Visualization of large scale early-stage projects with AI

Early-stage is the highest value creation phase in a building design process. In this phase the stakes are high so communicating ideas in a convincing manner to the key stakeholders is crucial. AI can help to turn this traditionally challenging and time consuming process into a fast, iterative flow.

Aerial visualization of a masterplan
Typical early-stage render. © Nikken Sekkei / PLP Architecture

Early-stage planning has traditionally been challenging and time-consuming because significant decisions need to be made with very little data available. Recently, a new breed of tools has emerged, providing access to essential information much earlier. Applications like Spacemaker and Giraffe aggregate existing data sources, including regulatory requirements and traffic data, and combine them with rapid analyses such as daylight and noise, facilitating data-driven decision-making.

Screenshots of Forma and Giraffe
Forma (earlier Spacemaker) and Giraffe

Visualization in early-stage

In this early stage, visualizations are essential for conveying the design to the public and aiding designers and stakeholders in making informed decisions. These decisions are made at an urban scale and a volumetric level concerning the building envelope. However, a human scale must be introduced to comprehend the impact of these decisions on the end-users, us.

Aerial rendering of a city
Details provide scale on a visualization. @Visoid

Visualizing these early-stage projects poses one of the most significant challenges. Since the projects are not in a mature and detailed state, the available information is limited. To accurately understand the scale, additional details need to be incorporated. In traditional visualization workflows, this process is time-consuming and inefficient as every detail has to be defined and modeled to achieve a realistic result.

AI rendering tools like Visoid can replace this time consuming workflow due to the creative nature of the diffusion models. Unlike traditional tools, Visoid’s AI model has the power to generate coherent and realistic images even when provided with minimal information.

Final render

Areal render from Visoid
Final render in ca. 1 min from Visoid


Screenshot from Giraffe
Volumetric model from Giraffe

Visoid generates high quality renderings in minutes, based on a simple, volumetric model, enhanced with 2d or 3d surroundings like Google maps. The desired outcome can be controlled through simple settings and text description - prompting. Details can be iteratively refined by working directly on the final image, saving time typically spent in the preparation phase.

Areal render from Visoid
Bird's-eye view render from Visoid

Final thoughts

Visoid democratizes realistic visualizations by enabling rapid rendering and feedback loops on high-quality images. This ability streamlines the visualization process, allowing users to concentrate on the design aspect without being burdened by the need for exhaustive detailing and modeling.

Try Visoid yourself at or feel free to take contact for a chat about visualization on early-stage projects!

Render your early-stage
projects with ease!